Thursday 23 August 2012

Beauty Tips for Busy Women

Is it just me or does looking your best sometimes make you feel more empowered?

I don't know if this is a good thing to admit and it quite probably goes against all my feminist inclinations, but if I have a full face of makeup on and I feel half attractive then I can do anything. On days when I go say to the supermarket make-up free I tend to look fewer people in the eye and suddenly become a bit shy and retiring.

The only time when I am truly happy going au-naturel is in fact with my husband who claims to love me makeup free. Other people in my life are not so forthcoming. I remember meeting my Dad at a pub with no makeup only to be questioned for the next ten minutes about the state of my health. Another time, I was running late for a meeting and rushed in without my makeup on. My boss of the time scowled and said "What did you do with Nicola?" (Said boss also used to make copious comments about my boobs so perhaps I shouldn't have taken this too seriously).

The problem is that often there just isn't time to spend making yourself look incredible. It's hard enough working, keeping the house/your life together and if you're reading this and have kids then that takes things to a whole new level of crazy.

Anyway, I've decided to put together a Bonn Beauty list of things that I do to make me feel confident and beautiful when I'm really busy.

1. If I don't have time to do a full face of makeup (say when I get up at 2:15am for my radio show) then there are three products that I rely on to give me enough confidence to face my fellow early morning colleagues:

- Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser (rapidly rubbed into my face with my hands)
- Benefit Erase Paste (to get rid of my massive early-morning bags)
- Mac Haute and Naughty Mascara (a little goes a long way!)

No I don't look amazing when I wear this combo but I do look thoroughly acceptable and nicely fresh-faced which is just about enough for me!

2. Get a GOOD fake-tan

 When I'm brown I look so much better without makeup and my confidence levels soar!

The man I always go to for a really reliable spray-tan is James Read at the Sanderson Hotel. He is the best because he is totally thorough and the results are as natural as you can get. I always get asked if I've been on holiday when I have one of his tans which can only be a good thing.

James has just launched his own range of products which I tried last week and I am already a massive fan. (As are a whole load of celebrities including Jessie J and Vogue Magazine are raving about them!) The tan hardly smells, doesn't rub off on your sheets and contains loads of anti-ageing ingredients which is a real bonus. You can get hold of them here.

3. Turn to Clarins

When I have absolutely no time I pat on loads of Clarins Flash Beauty Balm. It is enough to give me a nice glow and look a little bit less like a sickly ghost.

I'd love to hear your tips for looking good when you have little/no time. Email me at xx

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