Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Long Hair and Ghastly Looters

Almost every woman who gets married decides to grow their hair (or so my hairdresser tells me). It's the weirdest thing. You could be renowned for your elfin crop for years and years but suddenly you have an overwhelming desire to become Rapunzel.

After having had a cheeky bob literally forever I also got sucked into the "I need long hair" club about a year before my wedding and I set about finding a miracle product to help me in my search for long, luscious tresses.

The product that I found was expensive and contained caviar which I refuse to put near my mouth.(Rest assured you won't smell fishy when you use it)! It also made my hair go greasy after a day! However, it really did make my hair grow very long very quickly. It is called Alterna Caviar and I recommend the Seasilk Moisture range. It is around £35 for the shampoo and conditioner and you can get them from a number of salons as well as online. are one of a number of stockists! Try it out and let me know how you get on!

May I add at this point that none of the rioters that I have seen named and shamed in the papers recently had good hair or skin. Perhaps they should swap looting, violence and stealing ghastly trainers for a good old fashioned hair wash, scrub of the face and an early night!

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