Tuesday 18 June 2013

Medical Aesthetics Exposure Instant Glow Serum

I interviewed Margaret Dabbs a few weeks ago and her skin looked absolutely amazing. She was positively glowing and I had to ask her what her secret was.

It turns out that she swears by Exposure Instant Glow Serum. Whenever she has an event to go to and wants to look her best, she snaps open one of the little glass capsules, douses her face and decolletage in this wonder serum and reaps the benefits.

Well you know how much I love a miracle product! I was straight on the phone to Marc Armangue who is the brains behind this product as well as being an aesthetic physician.

Here's what he said:

The serum was originally formulated to assist skin healing following very agressive procedures we aesthetic physicians used to perform about 15 years ago, such as ablative lasers and TCA peels (trychloroacetic acid). The skin ended up "raw", since those treatments used to destroy the epidermis in order to force the skin to re-generate. The Instant Glow serum contains a proprietary combination of proteoglycans, ascorbic acid and vitamin F, to help on the tissue remodelation and soothe discomfort while protecting it. Try using it after a sunbathing day, with very inflamed facial skin, and you'll notice its benefits.

As my patients started to use the serum even after healing, they discovered that it had the almost immediate improvement results that happened to be ideal as a pre-event treatment. Therefore, it was named Instant Glow!

I've been trialling this serum for a few weeks and it is a sensational product. It really does give you an instant glow. I've been applying before I go to bed and when I look in the mirror in the morning have been quite taken  back by the improvement in my skin tone and general appearance.

This stuff doesn't come cheap but I recommend buying a pack and saving each precious ampoule for a really special occasion.

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