Sunday 1 May 2011

Perfect brows

How has it taken me so long to discover the wonders of threading?? For those of you who don't know what it is, threading is an ancient method of hair removal which involves a thin, twisted cotton thread which is rolled over untidy hairlines plucking the hair at the follicle level. Unlike tweezing where a single hair is pulled out each time, threading can remove an entire row of hair, resulting in a precise and straight line.

Anyway, there's the science bit.

My own experience involved heading to John Lewis and demanding to be hidden away in a room rather than lying on a chair in plain view of the entire department store. (The thought of having my hair removed in public is a little bit too much even for me!)

I lay back and the lovely Amita got to work. I totally put my trust in her and as I felt my eyebrows being plucked at a rate of knots it suddenly struck me that her idea of beautiful brows might be a little different to my own. My heart was beating with trepidation as she did the "reveal" but there was no reason to worry as the results were unbelievable! Somehow she had managed to make my over-plucked brows look thicker and beautifully arched. They've never looked so good.

The process was far less painful than I expected and actually hurt less than plucking! My eyebrows were red for about twenty minutes but were fine after that. I was told to apply Aloe Vera which I've been doing religiously morning and evening.

If you want perfect brows, then please please have them threaded!! You'll never look back!

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